At long last a 1/18 scale Khamsin model is due to be marketed, Minichamps has announced it will be in production this year. See their website for update
We have no commercial connection with them but could organize a group purchase if enough of you are interested. This would be with payment directly to a Minichamps agent in Germany and no I would not be commissioned:-)
the early 1980’s the German firm of Homburg produced
what was for the time a very nice and detailed 1/43 scale
model in resin. Production however was extremely limited as
rumor has it that no more than 150 were made. Then
in the late nineteen seventies the Japanese firm of Aoshima,
manufacturer of plastic kits produced one when doing a series
of the major sportscars of the time but it was only in 1/64
scale and very poorly done at that; a curiosity more than
anything. After a couple of decades in the wilderness out of the blue came a new kit by Replicars in Holland. Also in resin this was predictably even better than the Homburg rendition since model technology had improved beyond recognition and Replicars are known for very fine work. Two things however detracted from this model; firstly the Dutch chose some very bizarre colors such as Luci di Bosco and verde chiaro, with only silver as an acceptable alternative, as opposed to offering fly yellow which would have been striking, dark blue or, unimaginative but always a safe seller, red. The second negative was that the rear glass was not glass but painted body color, as shown in the photos below of this model bought from a German web vendor in 2004.
large scale one off Khamsin models are known to have been
made by Michele Conti or other such craftsmen for the wealthy
but one Italian enthusiast created a stunning wooden model.
Doctor Alberto Consigliere of Milan had wanted to buy a real
Khamsin. Alas on the occasion of trying one out with his family
for possible purchase things went awry. His wife faced him
with the fact that their 12 year old son when trying to sit
himself in the back seat did not know where to put his legs
and he had to resign himself to buying a more suitable Mexico
It is quite probable that Bertone made a large clay or plastic model as a design study at the time and quite possible that this survives in Bertone’s headquarters. Sam Dibitonto of Reno Nevada, a long time and knowledgeable Maserati enthusiast, owner of a Khamsin was frustrated that no models were available and built these from scratch (below). A very impressive job!
No other Khamsin models are known. In conclusion, short of commissioning a large scale metal and leather model at huge expense, of buying the good Doctor’s masterpiece which is inconceivable finding a Homburg model of pleasing color remains the choicest Khamsin of all scales but 1/1. Yours truly is intent on getting a replicars cut into a spyder and will show it here when done….but I will bravely betray history; unlike the real one it will not be pale blue but fly yellow and huh it certainly won’t be an automatic! Other
memorabilia is equally rare; no postage stamp is known but
quite possibly exists as many tiny remote countries in the
Pacific, Africa and the middle east boosted their stamp sales
by choosing to feature every exotic or racing car under the
sun. If you know of a stamp or have one please send us a photo. Other odds and ends very occasionally surface, such as this waste basket bought at a car show in Paris in the early 1980’s.
Beyond the brochures manuals and traditional magazine articles covered elsewhere a Khamsin was rumored to have been used in Playboy photoshoot at the time, which is certainly better than a fashion shoot with period bell bottom pants… |